Loyalty Card Value

This topic described how to get the total value of a loyaltycard. In CustomerComponents.asmx there is a method GetLoyaltyCards(). As part of the result set of this method, the next fields are available:

TotalSavedPoints The total number of points saved on this loyaltycard
TotalSavedPrice The total monetary value saved on this loyaltycard (*1)
TotalWithdrawedPoints The total number of withdrawed points on this loyaltycard. These points have been used to get discount on buyings.
TotalWithdrawedPrice The total monetary value withdrawn from this loyaltycard (*1)
CurrentBalancePoints The remaining current points balance of this loyaltycard
CurrentBalancePrice The remaining current monetary value of this loyaltycard (*1)

*1 - Price based loyaltycard will be removed in 2019, do not implement these properties any longer!