Retail3000 keeps a table of 'Deleted' records. The normal 'Get' methods can't give deleted records, because those records are deleted. But a sattelite system should also get the possibility to delete that record as well. To address this problem, there is also a table 'DeletedRecords'. This table also has timestamp and offset support, so it's possible to iterate through the data of this table and process the results record by record.
The GetDeletedRecords() will return all deleted records since the previous synchronization date/time, in batches of the requested 'MaxRecords' property. In the result set there is a property 'TableName' and 'RecordId'. The tableName will hold the name of the table where a record was deleted in. For example this can be 'Products'. The property 'RecordId' is the Retail3000 primary key of the deleted record.
By processing the results of GetDeletedRecords(), all belonging local records can be deleted also.